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Why I Won't Wear a Mask

Writer's picture: Tonya LatinoTonya Latino

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

It takes courage to walk around without a mask. and I see that more and more each day.

I have pretty thick skin when it comes to people calling me names like fascist, moron, idiot, and swarming me when I just want to shop for my groceries saying how inconsiderate I am, how reckless I’m being, that I’m selfish.etc..

Here’s the thing...

If people left, right, and center were dropping dead of this virus, then, of course, I’d take heed. This is not the case. According to the updated numbers, no less on the CDC website paints a much different story.

Only 6% of the 161,393 deaths were from COVID only.

94% all had severe pre-existing conditions.

Why isn’t that number plastered everywhere?

The tests cannot be trusted, and people who tested positive then suddenly are negative and vice versa. How are not more questioning this?

What people, and mostly the elderly, have been dying of is a lack of affection and interaction. To me, it is a slaughter against the weakest in society. All the while, governors are getting away with cruelty of these ridiculous mandates.

However, I’ve learned long ago about the mainstream media’s operation mockingbird tactics and can see through the deception. “By their fruits, you shall know them.” There is a plan much grander plan than anyone can imagine. I do hope I’m wrong because this would mean another layer of armor we will need to protect our rights and family.

Asking a healthy person to mask themselves is inhumane and not for the greater good. In fact, having everyone masked will create weakened immune systems, more cavities, headaches, and more importantly it is a lack of showing human emotion. We are losing humanity.

C19 has shown to have a 99% survival rate. Why the rush for the vaccine when the survival rate is this high? Why the mask? Why the six feet apart? Who makes this up?

How many people do you know who have died in the last year due to this virus?

If so, what health issues did they have prior? Were they put on a ventilator? There have been so many whistleblowers saying how much the numbers have been skewed and the corruption is fierce in some hospitals. Many reports have been said that of anyone who went in and died in the hospital was labeled a victim of C19.

Let’s also not forget to mention the countless Tik Tok videos of ”exhausted” nurses dancing in empty hospitals in the wake of this pandemic.

Many even say this virus is a complete hoax and one of the most significant crimes against humanity. Zooming out you can see how C19 serves as a Trojan horse to usher in cashless transactions, mandated vaccines, and tighter restrictions on control. Imagine George Orwell’s 1984 on steroids. If you haven’t studied Agenda 2021/2030, which is currently unfolding before us, I would look deeper.

The longer people wear masks, the more their immune system tanks, and when that vaccine rolls out, more will become sick. I mean, what do you expect when you inject a virus in you?

Of course, if there is a second wave, it will be blamed on the anti maskers and those who choose to keep their medical freedom.

Wearing a mask for me is a symbol of being silenced and is emotionally upsetting to me. I’m not and will never be ok with wearing one. It is the stupidest dang thing, especially in restaurants, when you take off the mask to sit. Does this virus only get you when you’re standing? Asking for a friend... A great meme once said, wearing a mask in a restaurant only to take it off sitting down is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool.

Many say, well, I don’t want to wear a mask, but I don’t want to stir the pot. May I ask you to ask yourself, at what point will you have enough What is your breaking point? when they won’t allow you to work? travel? or enter stores without the COVID pass? All of this eventually leads to the proof of your vaccination. Putting a mask on symbolizes a Satanic practice that, as a woman who follows Christ, is not ok with having anything cover my face.

Here’s a link to a great article that explains this so perfectly well.

The science is not there saying these masks work, and in fact showing incredible harm. Masking people is the most ridiculous thing ever to be forced upon us, and I DO NOT CONSENT.

From the CDC, people becoming sick: Always wear a mask : 70.6% Never wear a mask: 3.9%

Conclusion: The more you wear a mask, the more likely you are to become sick.

Have you had the courage to mask free? Please share your experience below

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